+39 338 190 24 36 press@famvin.org

PRESS RELEASE – International day against human trafficking

The Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity are members of the
Committee of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that at the UN advocate against
trafficking in persons.

The CM representative at the UN is also part of the central
commission of Consecrated of the Americans Life against trafficking in persons (9
regional or national commissions). For this reason, we are also associated with Talitha
Kum, the international network of Consecrated Life against trafficking in persons.
Human trafficking is a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous
purposes including forced labor, traffic of organs, and sex. The International Labor
Organization estimates that 21 million people are victims of forced labor globally. This
estimate also includes victims of human trafficking for labor and sexual exploitation. While
it is not known how many of these victims were trafficked, the estimate implies that
currently, there are millions of trafficking in persons victims in the world.
The work of many social organizations, religious communities, NGOs, etc. aims to
prioritize victims coming from a context of armed conflict and those identified among large
refugee and migration flows. Its focus is also the work with victims trafficked for the
purpose of sexual exploitation, organ removal, forced begging, forced criminality and
emerging exploitative purposes (e.g. skin removal, online pornography).
In September 2015, the world adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and
embraced goals and targets on trafficking in persons. These goals call for an end to
trafficking and violence against children; as well as the need for measures against human
trafficking, and they strive for the elimination of all forms of violence against and
exploitation of women and girls.

‘Responding to the trafficking of children and young people’

This year, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has chosen
‘responding to the trafficking of children and young people’ as the focus of the World Day.
This year’s campaign highlights the fact that almost a third of trafficking victims are
children. The theme draws attention to the issues faced by trafficked children and to
possible action initiatives linked to safeguarding and ensuring justice for child victims.
We invite you to honor this international day against the victimization of human beings
with your prayer and reflection but also getting informed and joining any local or national
efforts so that this day marks another step in our commitment against trafficking in
persons. We can collaborate with the efforts others have organized in the prevention,
accompaniment, rescue, healing and the social and work relocation of the victims.

Why do we have an international day against human trafficking?

It is not a celebration … it is a day to resist, to sensitize, to raise awareness, to call
attention, to point out that there is an unresolved problem, an important and pending issue
in societies so that, through this awareness, governments and states can act and take
measures or for citizens to demand this from their representatives.

New York July 30, 2028
Congregation of the Mission United Nations Office


  1. Nicaragua:


Mientras millones alrededor del mundo estábamos enganchados a la televisión viendo el mundial de futbol, mas de 300 personas han sido asesinadas en Nicaragua y cerca de 2000 han sido heridas durante las protestas contra el gobierno del presidente Daniel Ortega. Estas semanas han sido de mucha angustia para el pueblo nicaragüense debido a la violencia y a la anarquía que se han tomado las calles del país.  El gobierno y los grupos paramilitares se han encarnizado contra la Alianza Cívica una coalición de estudiantes, trabajadores, intelectuales, grupos empresariales, académicos, los pobres que protestan para reclamar un diálogo nacional que desencadene en un cambio democrático de régimen político, ya que el gobierno actual ha adquirido las formas crueles de una dictadura.  A los muchos muertos se suman los muchos encarcelados, alrededor de 600, ya que la protesta, amparada en la constitución como un derecho político, ha sido burdamente criminalizada. También la Iglesia, mediadora de los diálogos, ha sido perseguida. La alianza cívica le ha pedido al presidente Ortega adelantar las elecciones para marzo de 2019 como condición para retomar estos diálogos…

2. Realidad de los Migrantes en los Estados Unidos


Mientras en la ONU se ha logrado firmar un acuerdo mundial sobre migración, en los Estados Unidos miles de niños y niñas migrantes han sido separados de sus padres debido a nuevas leyes migratorias del presidente Donald Trump.  La administración del presidente Trump decidió excluirse de los acuerdos globales sobre migración. Nos unimos a los co-hermanos de la Provincia Occidental de los Estados Unidos que emitieron el siguiente comunicado en nombre de la congregación:

“La Provincia Occidental de la Congregación de la Misión apoya las declaraciones de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, la Federación de Hermanas de la Caridad y otros grupos que han declarado que separar a los niños inmigrantes de sus padres en la frontera de Estados Unidos / México es inmoral...

3. Venezuela


Se extiende la crisis venezolana en la que millones de personas son forzadas día a día a vivir en condiciones de humillación debido a la escasez de los elementos básicos, la carencia de atención medica y de medicinas, la represión institucional, la inseguridad, los salarios de miseria, la corrupción institucional, el colapso del transporte, la educación, la seguridad social, etc.  Recientemente el presidente Nicolás Maduro fue elegido en unas elecciones claramente amañadas en favor del continuismo. La mayoría de los estados y de organizaciones políticas y sociales del mundo han declarado su preocupación por la crisis humanitaria, política e institucional de este país sudamericano con las reservas mas altas de petróleo del mundo. La dramática crisis migratoria venezolana no tiene precedentes y tiene todas las características de una creciente crisis humanitaria…


PRESS RELEASE – Preparations are still underway for “Finding Vince 400”

To date, more than 3000 works from 109 countries will participate in the contest that is linked to “Finding Vince 400” (FV400), the International Film Festival and contest dedicated to St. Vincent de Paul to tell the story of the globalization of love.

Competing works are coming from every continent, with the short and feature film sections garnering the most submissions so far. “Finding Vince 400” was officially presented in Rome in 2017 during the Symposium celebrating the 4th centennial of the Vincentian charism. It is a festival in which the theme of the globalization of love will be explored through a contest in which all artistic languages will be used. The challenge for creative artists, storytellers and screenwriters will be to talk about poverty in new and original ways, through multiple artistic expressions. Contestants will strive to change the way our society looks at poverty and new forms of deprivation affecting men and women around the world. They will also have to disseminate the charism of the Vincentian Family and the goal of globalizing love through imagination and creativity.

The popular US actress, producer and model Sheree J. Wilson is one of the Festival’s supporters. You can check out her video here:


Due to the many requests they have received, Festival organizers have extended the submission deadline until 31 August for the two sections entitled “Seeds of Hope” and “Short or Future Film”.

Plus, people from around the world who wish to attend you can register now online. The fv400.com website will provide all necessary information to attend the Film Festival and stay in Castel Gandolfo during the event, for those who need accommodation. Our website and social media channels will constantly provide updates on this.

It is possible to participate in the “Finding Vince 400” contest in the following two sections:

Seeds of Hope”. This section is for youths under 18 and is dedicated to one single theme: serving the poor. To participate in this section, i.e. to “make seeds of hope”, the theme must be developed through any form of creative expression (from storytelling, to poetry, from painting to sculpture, music etc.). Contestants must send their work – videos, images or creative productions – to the following email address submit@fv400.org or register at http://fv400.com/ by 05/28/2018. On that date, a form will be activated for contestants to submit their work until 08/31/2018. The artists chosen by the jury will be rewarded with a free trip and stay in Castel Gandolfo for the duration of the event.

“Finding Vince 400” Short or Feature Film. This section is for short and feature films, focusing on serving the poor and changing the way society looks at poverty. Artists selected by the jury will be rewarded with a free trip and stay in Castel Gandolfo for the duration of the event.

The award-giving ceremony will take place in Castel Gandolfo between October 18 and 21, 2018.

The deadline for submissions and registration is 05/25/2018 at http://fv400.com/. On that date, a form will be activated for contestants to deliver their final productions until 08/31/2018.

For information

Elena Grazini


+39 338 190 24 36




press@famvin.org +39 338 190 24 36