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PRESS RELEASE On April 19th, appointment with “The Thursday of the Leoniano” At 6:30 pm, appointment with the meditation of S.E. Mons. Rino Fisichella

Pope Francis, in the meeting with journalists a few days after his election, about the choice of his name, said " How I would like a church that is poor and for the poor!". With this spirit, "to walk towards a Church poor and for the poor", in full harmony with the...

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PRESS RELEASE The message about Syria from the Vincentian International Network for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (VIN-JPIC)

Five years ago, the leaders of the United Nations’ humanitarian organizations made an urgent appeal to all those who could put an end to the conflict in Syria and asked them to enact all possible efforts to save the Syrian people. “Enough is enough,” they said, of so much suffering and bloodshed. That was five years ago. Today, the bloodshed continues. And the suffering is further aggravated by the possible international escalation of armed conflict.

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PRESS RELEASE :On March 8, appointment with “The Thursday of the Leoniano”

On March 8, it will be the turn of Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi who will hold a lecture at 18:30 on the verse of Psalm 33 (34): “This poor cried, and the Lord heard him.” The Eucharistic adoration will precede the conference, at 5:30 pm, while at 7:30 pm, immediately after the meeting with Cardinal Ravasi, a “poor dinner” is scheduled, whose donations will be given to the Social Vincentian Center.

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PRESS RELEASE: “We cultivate integration: flowers and fruits in the land of asylum”

Because of the 400 years of the Vincentian charism – recently celebrated with the jubilee that gathered in Rome at the International Symposium to representatives of the numerous Vincentian Family Worldwide – the realization of the project “We cultivate integration: flowers and fruits in the land of asylum” was possible, thanks to the synergy between the Vincentian Family, the Social Cooperative Society “Tre Fontane,” the non-profit association Linaria and Mrs. Margherita Grasselli. The motto of the Jubilee: “I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” (Mt 25, 35) has in this initiative a concrete example of what it truly means to welcome.

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PRESS RELEASE – Elena Grazini responsible for the press office of the Vincentian Family

Beginning on 1 February, 2018, the Italian, Elena Grazini, will be responsible for the press office of the Vincentian Family.
Elena Grazini, a journalist with a multi-year specialization in the management of press offices and, in particular, those in the ecclesial field, will be responsible for the press office and public relations of the Vincentian Family throughout the world.

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PRESS RELEASE – The Vincentians at the UN on the 29th and the 31st of January 2018

In the framework of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission for Social Development, entitled “Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all”, which will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 29 January to 7 February 2018, the Vincentians will have a word

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Comunicato Stampa- Si conclude l’Anno Giubilare della Famiglia Vincenziana. Il messaggio del Superiore Generale

“Rinnovare e approfondire la nostra relazione con i Santi, i Beati e i Servi di Dio della Famiglia vincenziana del mondo intero, considerandoli modelli della spiritualità e del carisma vincenziano” e “Rinnovare ed approfondire la «cultura delle vocazioni»” sono le prossime tappe del cammino della Famiglia Vincenziana indicate dal Superiore generale padre Tomaž Mavrič, CM, nella Lettera «Alle soglie del quinto secolo del carisma vincenziano» scritta in occasione della chiusura del 400° anniversario del carisma vincenziano.

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COMUNICADO DE PRENSA – Concluye el Año Jubilar de la Familia Vicenciana. El mensaje del Superior general

“Renovar y profundizar nuestra relación con los Santos, los Beatos y los Siervos de Dios de la Familia vicenciana del mundo entero, como modelos de la espiritualidad y del carisma vicenciano” y “Renovar y profundizar la ‘cultura de las vocaciones’” son las próximas etapas indicadas por su Superior General, P. Tomaž Mavrič, CM en el camino de la Familia Vicenciana, en su carta “En el umbral del quinto siglo del Carisma Vicenciano”, escrita con ocasión de la clausura del 400 aniversario del Carisma Vicenciano.

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press@famvin.org +39 338 190 24 36