da Antonello Sacchi | Mag 13, 2020 | Covid-19
Unfortunately, the current COVID-19 pandemic in our world has multiplied the poverty and needs of millions of people around the globe. From the very beginning, the Vincentian Family (a movement that follows Jesus Christ after the example of St. Vincent de Paul, present worldwide through 4 million people and more than 160 christian institutions) is working tirelessly to alleviate the situation of all these people who have seen their lives worsen because of the coronavirus.
With the aim of connecting projects in need of funding from local organizations worldwide, and people of good will who wish to help financially to keep these works going, we have created a new website:
At the moment, the contents are in Spanish and English, but soon contents will be added in Italian, Portuguese, German, French, and Flemish.
The situation of those who suffer most from the calamity is a concern for everyone. Please, visit the website and learn about these projects which need your help. If you can, please support them financially. With everyone’s help, we will succeed in defeating this pandemic and helping those in need.
Elena Grazini
Press Office
+39 338 190 24 36

da Antonello Sacchi | Apr 24, 2020 | Covid-19, FHA - Famvin Homless Alliance, Homelessness Initiative, International Vincentian Family, Press Release
Among the one hundred signatures that call the world to solidarity and action to protect the homeless from the spread of COVID -19, we must mention the International Vincentian Family. This list, intended to continue to grow with the signatures of more institutions and individuals, can be viewed at https://covid19-protecting-screening-rehousing.com/ and includes the signatures of many beneficent associations and organizations that are active in different parts of the world.
The premise of this appeal is based on the vulnerability of the most fragile members of society at this complex moment, individuals such as those who are homeless, refugees, and those who already live in precarious conditions. The petition of these associations arose from this stated reality and it is for that reason that they request that the people included in the aforementioned categories be given priority in the COVID-19 screening test process. These men and women are at tangible risk of becoming infected with the virus, and their precarious living situation is an aggravating risk factor. Neglecting these individuals can only worsen the overall epidemiological situation. Therefore, urgent priority measures must be taken to stop the spread of COVID-19, including the protection of the homeless.
In order to protect the homeless and vulnerable individuals in general, it is essential: to promote access to safe and appropriately hygienic housing that allows isolation … thus controlling the possible transmission of the virus (in the present common housing conditions, such quarantine is impossible); to guarantee basic needs including food and access to health care; to provide necessary equipment for the reduction of risk (masks and gowns); since so many services and shelters are closed, there is a need to provide these vulnerable individuals with access to counseling and assistance; in light of the lack of safe alternatives to public space, there is a need to protect the homeless from punitive policy measures.
A proactive and systematic research policy is also needed. For obvious public health reasons, there is an urgent need to conduct Covid-19 tests on homeless people and refugees and to separate those who test positive and thus control the spread of the virus. At the same time there a need to test volunteers and medical personnel who are in daily contact with these vulnerable groups of people as well as to keep people sheltered. In light of the economic impact of the crisis, it is necessary to establish structural solutions for access to housing, which has become, more than ever, a public health imperative.
Elena Grazini
Press Office
+39 338 190 24 36

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