da Antonello Sacchi | Apr 17, 2018 | News, Press Release, Syrian people
Five years ago, the leaders of the United Nations’ humanitarian organizations made an urgent appeal to all those who could put an end to the conflict in Syria and asked them to enact all possible efforts to save the Syrian people. “Enough is enough,” they said, of so much suffering and bloodshed. That was five years ago. Today, the bloodshed continues. And the suffering is further aggravated by the possible international escalation of armed conflict.
From its office at the United Nations, the Vincentian International Network for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (VIN-JPIC) joins in deep solidarity with the call that Pope Francis sent out today: “While I continue to pray unceasingly for peace, and invite all people of good will to do the same, I renew my appeal to all those with political responsibilities to ensure that justice and peace prevail … nothing can justify the instruments of extermination against the population … I ask that policy makers and the military choose the other path, that of negotiation, the only one that can lead to peace and not to death and destruction.”
da Antonello Sacchi | Mar 8, 2018 | News, Press Release, The Leonean Thursday
Pope Francis, in the meeting with journalists a few days after his election, about the choice of his name, said “ How I would like a church that is poor and for the poor!”. With this spirit, “to walk towards a Church poor and for the poor”, in full harmony with the Vincentian Charism – of which the Worldwide Vincentian Family celebrated the 400th anniversary of its foundation –, the Leonean Apostolic College in Rome organizes “The Leonean Thursday “, A series of meetings, from January to May, open to all, promoted by the Vincentian Family.
On 11 January the cycle of meetings began with the biblical scholar, Prof. Rosanna Virgili, who spoke on the sentence taken from the First Letter of St. John the Apostle: “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” (1 Jn 3:18).
In February, at the beginning of Lent, the meeting had as its theme “The vocation to follow poor Jesus” and was held by bishop Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute John Paul II.
da Antonello Sacchi | Feb 26, 2018 | News
Are you searching for a way to grow in faith while helping others? Then tune into the new television series, “Our Faith in Action: Today’s Society of St. Vincent de Paul,” which premieres Sunday, March 4 on EWTN. (Click here to find the EWTN channel in your zip code. Click here to view the program schedule.)
“The TV show is great for highlighting the Society’s name, brand and some of our special works,” said SVdP National President Ralph Middlecamp. “The Society of St. Vincent de Paul puts an emphasis on growing in faith through doing good works. We hope that television viewers who see ‘Our Faith in Action’ will feel we have answered their need for how they can put their own faith into action and will be moved to join the Society in their communities.”
The 10-episode series airs 6:30 a.m. ET and 4:30 p.m. ET Sundays, beginning March 4, and 6 p.m. ET, Saturdays, beginning March 10.
da Antonello Sacchi | Gen 24, 2018 | famvin400, Film Festival, News, Press Release
Domani, 25 gennaio, si conclude l’Anno Giubilare della Famiglia
Il messaggio del Superiore Generale per questa occasione
“Rinnovare e approfondire la nostra relazione con i Santi, i Beati e i Servi di Dio della Famiglia vincenziana del mondo intero, considerandoli modelli della spiritualità e del carisma vincenziano” e “Rinnovare ed approfondire la «cultura delle vocazioni»” sono le prossime tappe del cammino della Famiglia Vincenziana indicate dal Superiore generale padre Tomaž Mavrič, CM, nella Lettera «Alle soglie del quinto secolo del carisma vincenziano» scritta in occasione della chiusura del 400° anniversario del carisma vincenziano. È un testo al contempo di lode e di ringraziamento per quanto fatto nel corso di questo giubileo che si conclude ufficialmente il 25 gennaio, e non a caso il Superiore generale fa propria l’espressione paolina “Benedetto sia Dio, Padre del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo, che ci ha benedetti con ogni benedizione spirituale nei cieli, in Cristo” (Efesini 1,3) ripercorrendo brevemente le tante iniziative che hanno caratterizzato questo periodo, alcune già trascorse come il Simposio Internazionale della Famiglia vincenziana a Roma, altre in corso di svolgimento come l’iniziativa globale della Famiglia vincenziana con i senza fissa dimora (l’Alleanza globale FAMVIN per i senza fissa dimora), lanciata ufficialmente durante il Simposio a Roma, e il pellegrinaggio della reliquia del cuore di San Vincenzo de Paoli, altre infine prossime a realizzarsi come il festival del film vincenziano, intitolato «Trovare Vincenzo 400», anch’esso ufficialmente lanciato durante il Simposio a Roma e che si terrà dal 18 al 21 ottobre 2018 a Castel Gandolfo.
Padre Mavrič guarda al proseguimento del cammino della Famiglia Vincenziana nello spirito di San Vincenzo de Paoli “che ha risposto «di più», quando gli è stato chiesto che cos’altro avrebbe voluto fare della sua vita”. Ecco dunque il riferimento ai santi della Famiglia Vincenziana al fine di considerarli modelli della spiritualità e del carisma vincenziano: per fare questo il Superiore Generale della Congregazione della Missione individua un percorso dato dal rilancio della venerazione e del ricorso all’intercessione dei Santi, dei Beati e dei Servi di Dio, innanzitutto nel loro luogo d’origine; dall’organizzazione di incontri per farli conoscere, di pellegrinaggi, di celebrazioni e dalla preghiera incessante per chiedere la canonizzazione di altri e nuovi candidati alla santità: “I Santi, i Beati e i Servi di Dio… parlano, o possono parlare, ai bambini, ai giovani, agli adulti e a tutti i nostri contemporanei, in questo momento storico, come modelli di santità. Essi sono, inoltre, una risorsa per nuove vocazioni alla vita consacrata o per l’impegno attivo di laici nei diversi rami della Famiglia vincenziana, nella missione di Gesù, nella missione della Chiesa”. Ecco dunque il secondo punto sottolineato da padre Tomaž che invita “a lavorare insieme per una rinnovata cultura delle vocazioni”. Spiega infatti il Superiore Generale che “Quando cerchiamo una spiegazione della diminuzione delle vocazioni nella vita consacrata, della partecipazione attiva di giovani e adulti nella vita della Chiesa e della fede in certe regioni del mondo, spesso emergono i seguenti motivi: il consumismo, il materialismo, l’individualismo, l’egoismo, la laicizzazione sistematica della società… Possiamo parlare anche di una «anti-cultura delle vocazioni». Vorrei invitare tutti noi ad unire le nostre forze per far scoprire ai bambini, ai giovani e agli adulti di oggi, influenzati da questa «anti-cultura delle vocazioni», la bellezza, l’attrattiva e il senso che assume la vita quando si risponde con un «sì» deciso alla chiamata di Gesù!”. Questo proposito vale per tutti perché, sottolinea padre Mavrič “Cultura delle vocazioni significa un ambiente in cui tutte le persone possono scoprire e riscoprire la loro ragione di esistere su questa terra, il senso della loro vita, la missione che sono chiamate a compiere, la chiamata a cui sono invitate a rispondere. La cultura delle vocazioni mette Gesù al primo posto, indipendentemente se la vocazione sia lo stato laico o la vita consacrata”. L’attenzione vincenziana a questo tema pone la grande Famiglia Vincenziana in piena sintonia con il prossimo Sinodo come evidenzia il Superiore Generale nel concludere la lettera “ L’inizio del quinto secolo del carisma vincenziano ci doni una nuova opportunità per intensificare i nostri sforzi a favore di una cultura delle vocazioni. Questo è inoltre in sintonia con il tema del Sinodo dei Vescovi di quest’anno, che avrà luogo nel mese di ottobre a Roma: «I giovani, la fede e il discernimento vocazionale»”.
Per informazioni
Elena Grazini
338 190 24 36
da Antonello Sacchi | Gen 24, 2018 | famvin400, News, Press Release
Tomorrow, 25 January, the Jubilee Year of the Vincentian Family
This is the message of the Superior General for that occasion.
“To renew and deepen our relationship with the Saints, Blessed, and Servants of God of the Vincentian Family around the world as models of the Vincentian charism and spirituality” and “To renew and deepen the ‘Culture of Vocations’ ” are the next steps of the Vincentian Family’s journey. The Superior General, Father Tomaž Mavrič, CM, indicated this in his letter “On the Threshold of the Fifth Century of the Vincentian Charism,” written at the closing of the 400th anniversary of the Vincentian Charism. The text is simultaneously both praise and thanks for what was done during this jubilee that officially concludes on 25 January. It is no coincidence that the Superior General makes his own the Pauline expression, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens” (Ephesians 1:3). In his letter, he briefly recalls the many initiatives that characterized this period. Some have passed already, like the International Vincentian Family Symposium in Rome. Others are in progress like the Vincentian Family Global Initiative on Homelessness (FAMVIN Homeless Alliance), officially launched during the Symposium in Rome, and the pilgrimage of the relic of the heart of Saint Vincent de Paul. Finally, others are still to be carried out, like the Vincentian Film Festival, called “Finding Vince 400,” also officially launched during the Symposium in Rome and to be held from 18-21 October 2018 at Castel Gandolfo.
Father Mavrič looks to the continuation of the Vincentian Family’s journey in the spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul who, “when he was asked what else could he do in life, responded ‘more.’ ” The reference then to the Vincentian Family saints is in order to consider them models of spirituality and of the Vincentian charism. To do this, the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission identifies a path for renewing veneration and recourse to the intercession of the Saints, Blessed and Servants of God, first of all in their place of origin. He suggests the organization of meetings to make them known, of pilgrimages, of celebrations, and of incessant prayer to ask for the canonization of others and new candidates for holiness. “Saints, Blessed, and Servants of God … speak or can speak to children, youth, adults, all people of today, at this time in history as role models of holiness. They are also one of the resources for new vocations to consecrated life or active lay involvement in the different branches of the Vincentian Family, in the mission of Jesus, in the mission of the Church.” Here then is the second point highlighted by Father Tomaž who invites the members of the Vincentian Family to “strive together for a renewed Culture of Vocations.” The Superior General explains that “When we look for reasons for the decline in vocations to the consecrated life, in active participation of youth and adults in the life of the Church, and in faith in some parts of the world, we often hear the following reasons: consumerism, materialism, individualism, egoism, systematic laicization of society, etc. We can call this an ‘Anti-Culture of Vocations.’ I would like to invite us to unite all our efforts at showing the children, youth, and adults of today, who are caught in this ‘Anti-Culture of Vocations,’ the beauty, attractiveness, and life-giving meaning of responding with a resounding “Yes” to Jesus’s call!” This proposal applies to everyone because, as Father Mavrič underlines, “The Culture of Vocations means an environment in which all people can discover and rediscover their reason for being on this earth, the meaning of life, the mission they are called to fulfill, the call they are invited to answer. The Culture of Vocations puts Jesus in first place, no matter if it is as a layperson or a consecrated person.” Vincentian attention to this theme places the large Vincentian Family in full harmony with the upcoming Synod as pointed out by the Superior General at the conclusion of the letter, “The beginning of the fifth century of the Vincentian Charism gives us another opportunity to make renewed efforts toward a Culture of Vocations. This is also very much in tune with the theme of this year’s Synod of Bishops, which will take place in October in Rome, ‘Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment.’ ”
Press Office
Elena Grazini
338 190 24 36
da Press Office Admin | Ott 12, 2017 | News, Symposium
You will be able to follow the live broadcasting from the Vincentian Symposium in Rome this week.
from 9.50 a.m. also: http://www.tv2000.it/live/
from around 12:00pm (6am Eastern Time) http://ewtn.com in the “Watch Live” section.
In addition, for the areas covered by Telepace, you will find on the links listed below the possibilities for viewing the same program on TV on the Telepace channel:
http://www.telepace.it/satellite.php – EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST SATELLITE INFORMATION
http://www.telepace.it/dvbt.php – INFORMATION FOR ITALY
Starting at 9:50 a.m. you will be able to watch live on Tv2000, visible on digital terrestrial channel 28, satellite to channel 140 SKY, on the satellite platform tivùsat at channel 18.
In addition, for the areas covered by Telepace, you will find on the links listed below the possibilities for viewing the same program on TV on the Telepace channel:
http://www.telepace.it/satellite.php – EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST SATELLITE INFORMATION
http://www.telepace.it/dvbt.php – INFORMATION FOR ITALY
From about 12pm (6am Eastern Time), you will be able to see the live transmission of the Pope’s audience with the Vincentian Family on the English language channels of EWTN (UK/IRELAND/ITALY). To search the EWTN channels that broadcast in the United States, click on www.ewtn.com/channelfinder.
In addition, for the areas covered by Telepace, you will find on the links listed below the possibilities for viewing the same program on TV on the Telepace channel:
http://www.telepace.it/satellite.php – EUROPE AND MIDDLE EAST SATELLITE INFORMATION
http://www.telepace.it/dvbt.php – INFORMATION FOR ITALY
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