PRESS RELEASE – Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Lombardia and Piemonte (Italian regions, June 2021)
On November 11, 2020, when Pope Francis blessed the image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in the Vatican, the pilgrimage of this image began on the occasion of the 190th anniversary of the apparitions to Saint Catherine Laboure. This initiative is promoted by the Congregation of the Mission in Italy in collaboration with the worldwide Vincentian Family.
In June the pilgrimage will take place in the areas of Lombardy and Piedmont.

Today, like 1830, the world is devastated by poverty, violence, and a health and financial crisis. The Blessed Mother invites us to the foot of the altar. After 190 years the Blessed Mother continues to provide for us … and she does so because her love is unwavering. On the night of July 18-19, 1830, the Blessed Mother appeared for the first time to Catherine Labouré, a young Daughter of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. This was a rather lengthy encounter in which the Blessed Mother stated: The times are very evil. Misfortunes afflict France and the entire world will experience misfortunes of every sort … But come to the foot of this altar, there abundant graces will be spread over all those who ask for them with confidence and fervor. They will be given to the great and the small. Then once again, on November 27th, 1830, the Blessed Mother appeared again to Catherine Labouré, holding in her hands a small globe (representing humankind). Catherine contemplated her beauty and accepted the mission to make a medal: the persons who wear this medal will receive great graces.
The members of the worldwide Vincentian Family, faithful to the Word of God, inspired by the charism which calls them to serve God in the person of the poor and encouraged by this initiative of the Blessed Mother to go on pilgrimage, want to remind us that the Blessed Mother continues to invite men and women to approach the foot of the altar.
June 1: the statue Will be brought from Toscanny to Canneto sull’Oglio.
June 2: transported to Abbiategrasso and on the morning of June 3, to Piedmont. There it will remain in the parish of Saint Paul until 19:45 when he it will be brought to the parish of Santa Maria Resucitada and remain there until 4:00am. Then it shall be returned to Lombardy (the province of Pavía) with the following schedule”
June 4: in the Cathedral of Vigevano (from 11am to noon); then to Mortara, the headquarters of Vincentian Volunteers until 16:00 hours on June 5.
June 5: depart for Milan and arrive at the parish of San Vicente de Prato where it will remain until the afternoon of June 6th.
June 7: moved to the Vincentian Volunteer Center (Via Ariberto) where it will remain until 14:00 hours; in the afternoon moved to Soma Lombardo (VA) and will remain there until the night of June 8 when it will be transported to the Province of Como arriving in Cucciago at 9:00am. At night it will be move to the house of the Congregation of the Mission in Como and on June 10 to the parish of Saint Bartholomew.
June 11: the image will be brought to the Shrine of Santa María de las Gracias (9:30am)
June 12: arrive in San Pellegrino Terme at 21:00 hours and remain there until the night of the 13th.
June 14: brought to Seregno in the morning and remain there until the morning of the 15th. June 15: brought to Cassano D’Adda in the morning and remain there until the afternoon of the 16th.
The image will be in Pallanza Verbania on June 17-18 with the following schedule:
June 17: the house of Saint Louise of the Daughters of Charity in Pallanza (in the morning and the first hour of the afternoon); then in the parish of Trobaso in the afternoon; also in the afternoon, at parish of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Bernadine in Pallanza; June 18 chapel of the Miraculous Medal in the morning; the parish of Saint Leonard in Pallanza in the afternoon.
The next stop will be Pavia:
June 19-20 in the cathedral.
June 21-22 at the house of the Daughters of Charity (San Salvario) and then on the afternoon of the 22nd to the parish of San Donato. From there it will travel to Grugliasco to the Daughters of Charity, the community of S. Giuseppe and S. Maria. Then once again to Turin to the parish of the Resurrection on the 23 (16:30 hours) and will remain there until the afternoon of the 24th. It will then be transferred to the parish of Maria Esperanza Nuestra where it will remain for June 26-27. Then then image will be returned to Milan, to the parish of Saihnt Michael the Archangel until late in the evening of June 28th.
After 190 years, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal continues to watch over humankind and comes, as a pilgrim, to visit and to the meet with the members of the Christian communities spread throughout Italy. Thus, Mary fulfills the promise of love that is contained in her message: I will be remain with you, trust and do not be discouraged.
Elena Grazini
Press Office
Vincentian Family
+39 338 190 24 36
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